Friday, December 5, 2008

Z' 3 of Us

Picture Section
= = Before Heading 0ut = =
Sale at VOIRs
Met with Sing
Tralalas . The Back of d Buddies
Lunch at Gasoline . Ngieh .. Got pinched
Menus and Legs
Soda . Smoothies
Chicken Chop  . Onion Rings + Chili Sauce 
Kindori Ice Cream
芒果  lolx
Christmas Tree . Times Square
Amanda . Sing
Sing . Me . Amanda
Christmas Decorations and Stuffs
Christmas Tree. Pavilion
Z' 3 of us

Posed Below :
Looking Beneath ??!?!
Poses by an EMO . ngieh . looks japanese . duh 
On Car To Home
Chocolate Crumble

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